Sign Up for Free RezSMS Account

Thank you for your interest in RezSMS. We will make this registration process as swift as possible. You only need to complete this form below.

Your Name:
and Surname:
Enter your name. If you are registering a company account, enter the name of the contact person of the company.
Company Name:
Enter the name of the company you work for/own. This is optional if you are registering a personal account.
Contact E-Mail:
Enter an e-mail address we can use to contact you. We will not send you any advertisement or spam.
Account Type:
Select if this account belongs to you or your business.
This country will be used as the default country when you enter your contacts' mobile numbers in your local format so we can add the country calling code for you. Hint: This list is sorted by calling code.
The city you live in.
Mobile Number 1:
Mobile Number 2:
Mobile Number 3:
Mobile Number 4:
Because times change, things become cheaper and people travel more, the chances are good you will have more than one mobile number. You will be allowed to log in with any of these numbers you provide. The numbers that is located in the same Country as you chose above can be entered in local format, for any number outside the country dialing code, you need to enter with the international prefix. Note: You can enter more numbers after registration.
You're going to need to enter this password together with one of your mobile numbers to log into the site.
How did you find us:
Tell us how you came accross our site. Did a friend tell you? Did you Google it?
Only if "Other" selected from "How did you find us" options
Enter Code in Image:
Terms of Service:
Note that included in this Terms of Service and aplied by your agreement, you also agree to adhere to the Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and the Wireless Application Service Providers' Association (WASPA) Code of Conduct.